Reflective Practice and Teaching for Thinking

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Aims and vision of the TIG:
The vision of the Reflective Learning and Teaching for Thinking Thematic Interest Group is the promotion of reflective practice and thinking skills in the teaching, social educator and ‘educare’ professions. We believe strongly that continuous learning and improvement in these areas can be brought about by reflection upon the teacher’s or learner’s own actions, thoughts, concerns and values in the workplace. As deep reflection is fed by metacognitive awareness and thinking the TIG has decided that it would be useful to broaden the TIG theme to include presentations and exchanges on teaching for thinking.

The TIG in Nürnberg 2023

Format of the sessions:
We like to work with a mix of:

  • Presentations of research or innovation projects with discussion or strong participation of the group (30’ plus 10′ discussion)
  • Presentations (20’ plus 10′ discussion)
  • Workshops (40’ to 60’ plus 10′ discussion, depending on content and approach)
  • Poster (5′)

Preference goes to workshops and presentations with active participation of TIG participants.

As participants in the TIG want to broaden their knowledge in the TIG themes, presentations and workshops will only be accepted if they have a clear and strong link to either reflective learning or teaching for thinking.

Topic(s) for next conference:
Fostering reflective practice in Teacher Education (pre-service and in-service); Tools/artifacts used to promote reflective practice or teaching for thinking; research methods to analyse reflective practice.

Call for papers and proposals: send 300 words abstract to TIG leader before 15th of January.

Associate prof.
Klaus Kofoed-Heller
University College Copenhagen (KP)
Department of social studies
School and leisure time pedagogics
1799 Copenhagen V

co TIG-Leader
Joos Vollebregt
AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp
Department of Education & Training
Fields: critical & creative thinking, (global) citizenship, blended education, self-regulated learning
2000 Antwerp, Belgium