What happened in the Language Education TIG?

In the Language Education TIG in Ljouwert (Leeuwarden) 2024, we were able to listen to and discuss a wide range of different practical/theoretical presentations and workshops related to the general theme of the conference: Embracing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity.

After a nice group dinner in a local restaurant on 17th April, the members of the Language Education TIG met next day and started the proceedings by listening to Eabele Tjekepma from the host university NHL-Stenden talking about teaching practices in content-based language teaching in trilingual primary education in the Dutch multilingual province of Fryslân (Friesland). Jonas Asklund from the Högskolan at Kristianstad University made us think about the need to make room for colleagues to bring languages into primary classes as a way of enhancing agency and cooperation between teachers, librarians, and families. He stressed the need for a collaborative space in schools where the pupil comes first, not the assessments.

Kitty  Leuverink  (Marnix Academie) and Johannes Monheim (Fontys University of Applied Sciences) shared their research on identifying priorities in multilingual educational contexts when it comes to achieving inclusive multilingual education. 

Training the teachers was one of the topics addressed in several presentations. Adinda Dewit made us reflect upon the heterogeneous nature of the audience at the teacher training program for secondary education at PXL University (Hasselt), which results in a great diversity of background, knowledge, and experience among the students. The need to train language-sensitive teachers and teacher leaders was tackled by Mirjiam de Brujine, from Hogeschool (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences).

Liza Lee and Hsien-Wen Huang from Chaoyang University of Technology (Taiwan) reflected upon the use of the Holistic Music Educational Approach for young children learning English.

To finish this year’s conference, Amy Klipp from Leiden University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) conducted a workshop on foreign language literacy and citizenship education. Through the reading of children’s books, the group reflected upon the development of democratic competencies in the primary classroom. Link to presentation.

Read more here!

Read all about the TIG Language Education!

By: Anna Vallbona and Karmen Johansson

Categories: 2024 Leeuwarden, Language Education, TIGs

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